Woodcock-Johnson V

The Trusted Classic, Completely Reimagined.

The Woodcock-Johnson V (WJ V) system is structured to offer customized, efficient, and flexible assessments that examiners need to accurately evaluate learning problems in children and adults. The WJ V is designed to measure intellectual abilities, academic achievement, and oral language abilities.

The Trusted Classic, Completely Reimagined.

Explore Recommended Assessments

Digital. Comprehensive. Streamlined. Secure.

Coming in 2025

Comprehensive. Streamlined. Digital. Secure.

Learn About the Two WJ V Pricing Models

WJ V offers two simplified pricing models without the upfront expense of a kit.

With each model...

  • Only pay one annual price
  • No limit on the number of licenses or users
  • No additional scoring or reporting fees
  • Add examiners at any point

Unlimited Subscription

How it works:

The unlimited plan is specifically offered to schools/districts and unfortunately not available to independent practitioners. To be eligible for the unlimited plan, schools/districts will be prompted while checking out to provide an enrollment number for the previous school year. This enrollment number should match the enrollment reported to state or federal agencies.

Pay for the total number of students within your school system based off enrollment from the prior year. This grants annual unlimited access to all WJ V products and comprehensive training materials for only $0.75 per student.

Price per Student: $0.75

Term: Annual Subscription

What do you get: Unlimited use of the WJ V Suite of Assessments (pending qualifications)

Subtest Subscription

How it works:

Pay for individual subtests on an annual basis. This flexible option gives you the choice to select any subtest from any battery, for the same price (pending qualifications). Purchase as many subtests as you like, based on your particular usage needs.

Access only the subtests you need with the simple pricing per subtest. Users purchase subtest tokens for $2.50. These tokens can be used to administer subtests within a battery (as they have already purchased them). Examiners can choose exactly the subtests they would like to administer.

Price per Subtest: $2.50

Term: Annual Subscription

The subscription starts on the date of purchase. Users have the option to purchase additional subtests throughout the year but will have a single subscription date, based on the first purchase date. For example, if you buy 100 subtests on April 1, and 100 more on September 1, all 200 subtests expire on May 31.

What do you get: A number of subtests to administer throughout the year 

Calculating Your Price

Unlimited Subscription

Your price = $0.75 * number of students

See an example below.

# of Students


Total Annual Cost


Subtest Subscription

Your price = $2.50 * number of subtests

See an example below.

# of Subtests


Total Annual Cost


Note: The purchase minimum for the Subtest Subscription model is 100 subtests.

Which Pricing Model Is Right for Me?

The Unlimited Subscription is for...

  • School Districts who frequently use the WJ Suite of Assessments
  • School Districts who regularly use the WJ Suite of Assessments and want to explore the new clusters and subtests 

The Subtest Subscription is for...

  • Independent clinicians who do not regularly work within a school setting
  • School Districts who infrequently use the WJ Suite of Assessments or only uses them as a supplementary measure

WJ V System Requirements

Operating System

Windows 10, 11


MacOS X 13 or higher

Web Browser

  • Current version Microsoft Edge
  • Current version Mozilla Firefox
  • Current version of Chrome
  • JavaScript must be enabled
  • Safari 16 and up
  • JavaScript must be enabled

Screen Resolution

Minimum: 1920 x 1080

Web Reports System Requirements (PC and Mac)



8 GB RAM or more is recommended for optimal performance

High Speed Internet connection required

Student System Requirement for Online Testing

Operating System/Device

iPad 8th Generation or Newer

Web Browser

iOS 16 and up

Device Size

10.2 or higher

System Requirements for Optimal Performance (PC and Mac)

  • RAM: 8 GB RAM or more is recommended for optimal performance
  • Turn off automatic updates during the testing window

Training Options for the WJ V

Training for the Woodcock-Johnson V is customizable to fit each unique schedule and need. From easy-to-follow online learning bundles, personalized sessions with a WJ V expert, to in-person sessions, the WJ V Training Program has you covered.


When are we releasing WJ V?

Q1 of 2025, likely in February or March.

Will we have a paper version of WJ V?

We have no plans to release a paper version and expect the digital version will be even better for customers.  

What are the norming dates for WJ V?

Data collection is based on the 2020 census. The first cases were collected in early 2022 and the final cases were collected in 2024. This time period encompasses norming cases, validity cases, and clinical study cases. Piloting of tests occurred in 2021.  

What reports will be available at launch?

The only report available at launch will be the score report and the data export. Other reports will follow such as our dyslexia report.  

With the release of WJ V, how long will WJ IV be supported?

WJ IV will still be supported for a few years after the release of the WJ V, although the exact timeline is unknown. Riverside will most likely move WJ IV out of print within two-three years, which is standard practice after the release of a new version. 


What database is used to verify enrollment for school districts?

We use the MDR Education database for student enrollment: https://mdreducation.com/news/mdr-freshest-education-data-in-industry/  This was the data we used to populate enrollment for each account in the spreadsheet. 

Will districts be allowed to purchase each model? For instance, departments within large school districts may want to buy unlimited (for Special Ed) and by Subtest (for Gifted and Talented)? 

Customers can purchase both models, for different organizations as needed. However, if they want to share data access between organizations, they must all be under one account. In the example above, that would mean if Special Ed / G&T would like access to each other’s student data in RI Score, they would need to decide jointly on a single model. This may change post-launch if there is enough customer demand, but no current plans. 

How much will WJ V cost?

We have two pricing models; unlimited and subtest subscriptions. For unlimited, schools and districts pay for the total number of students reported within the prior year for their district. This grants annual unlimited access to all WJ V products and training materials for only $0.75 per student.  

For subtest, schools and districts pay for individual subtests annually, giving administrators the choice to choose any subtest from any battery for the same price. They can use as many or as few subtests as needed, without paying for the ones not used during administration. Subtests are valid for one year and expire at the end of the subscription cycle. Users have the option to purchase additional subtests throughout the year but will have a single subscription date, based off the first purchase date (if you buy 100 subtests on January 1, and 25 more on March 1, all 125 subtests expire on December 31st of that year). Subtests cost $2.50 per subtest, with an order minimum of $200.  

Product Details

Could examinees use Chromebooks with touch screen capabilities instead of a tablet or iPad to complete the assessment?

When administering the WJ V, Riverside Insights recommends the examinee device to be an iPad with a screen size of 10” or larger, as that is how the test was standardized. Because the assessment is browser-based, we recognize the examinee can be on any tablet touchscreen device with a screen of 10” or larger and Riverside Insights cannot control the device used. Please note, using a tablet device other than an iPad on timed tests may result in differences in scores, based on the latency times of different devices. Riverside Insights strongly encourages the use of an iPad, especially on timed tests. 

Are customers going to be allowed to choose where to start basal? For instance a 3rd grader starting at 4th grade level – will this be allowed?

Yes, they will be able to customize starting points on a per tests basis. 

Is WJ V web or app based?

It is web-based meaning they log in online through the internet. The examiner laptop and examinee tablet also connect through the internet.  

Does WJ V allow for remote administration or is that something coming in the future? 

WJ V is designed to be administered in-person with an examiner on the laptop with a mouse and the examinee on a tablet. All data gathered in the norming study was gathered through an in-person administration.     

Riverside will conduct a small comparability study in the future to assess whether differences exist while administering the assessment remotely vs in-person. For the time being, we ask examiners to use their best judgment if they choose to administer remotely, knowing that remote administration may introduce errors and unpredictability, especially when a response book is used. Remote administration practices should comply with the NASP guidelines outlined at this link.

Will users be able to access the test offline/if their school site has inconsistent Wi-Fi?

Unfortunately, at this time the WJ V will only be available in a browser-based setting, which means there is no offline app. We will explore an offline app in the future, but it will not be available at launch.   

Test Content

What happened to the Oral Language battery? Can I still access those subtests? 

Yes, these are now included along with other tests as the NEW! Virtual Test Library.  

We have moved a lot of tests that were in the WJ IV Oral Language battery into the Achievement battery to better meet your testing needs for identification for special education. In addition, we have created new tests for the Virtual Test Library that include tests that assess cognition, achievement, and language, so we dropped the name “Oral Language” to ensure you explore the Virtual Test Library and see all the new and exciting content added throughout the suite of the Woodcock Johnson. We organized the Virtual Test Library (VTL) component to work together with, or independently from, the Cognitive and Achievement components to provide more in-depth diagnostic and strength and weakness information from the administered tests and clusters. 


Will the WJ V include tests from the ECAD?

 Tests from ECAD that will be in WJ V are: 

  • Verbal Analogies (early form in ECAD)

  • Number Sense (early form on ECAD) 

That said, these are not the same items necessarily as the WJ V is for ages 4 years, 0 months through adulthood. The ECAD tests in WJ V were designed for four years of age and older, so it’s still best to use the ECAD when assessing young children less than four years of age. 

When will the Batería be released?

The Batería release date has not yet been decided but customers can expect it to be released sometime in the next few years.  

WJ V Tests & Clusters 

The WJ V is just like the WJ IV you love and trust, but with amazing new state of the art features, tests, clusters, and reporting! 

WJ V ACH - The Familiar  

The WJ V will still maintain the most loved tests from the WJ IV Tests of Achievement, such as: 

  • Picture Vocabulary 

  • Letter-Word Identification 

  • Calculation 

  • Spelling 

  • Oral Comprehension 

  • Word Attack 

  • Math Facts Fluency 

  • Passage Comprehension 

  • Applied Problems 

  • Sentence Reading Fluency 

  • Written Language Samples 

  • Sentence Writing Fluency 

  • Word Reading Fluency 

WJ V ACH - What's New?

The WJ V ACH contains 26 tests that are divided into two batteries: the Standard Battery, which contains 18 tests and the Extended Battery, which contains eight tests. There are 21 clusters available in the WJ V ACH, making it the most robust achievement test on the market. 

Changes to the WJ V ACH include: 

  • Five new ACH tests, which provide more in-depth coverage of reading comprehension, writing fluency, mathematics problem solving, and academic vocabulary and knowledge.

      • Paragraph Reading Comprehension (Standard)

      • Sentence Writing Accuracy (Standard)

      • Letter Writing Fluency (Extended)

      • Math Problem Identification (Standard)  

      • Magnitude Comparison (Extended) 

  • Two new oral language tests, which provide more ecologically valid Listening Comprehension and Oral Expression clusters.  

      • Oral Language Samples (ACH Standard)

      • Story Comprehension (COG Extended)

  • Increased content validity through the elimination of outdated items and the development of new contemporary items for many of the tests.  

  • The Science, Social Studies, and Humanities tests were redesigned to become Academic Facts and Academic Vocabulary. 

  • Number Matrices and Reading Vocabulary were both removed.  

  • Two parallel forms for many of the WJ V ACH Standard and Extended battery tests to avoid overexposure to items on any given form (to be released at a later date).  

WJ V COG - The Familiar

Your most loved tests from the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities are also still in the WJ V, such as: 

  • Oral Vocabulary (Synonyms/Antonyms)  

  • Verbal Attention  

  • Spatial Relations  

  • Semantic Word Retrieval  

  • Number-Pattern Matching  

  • Story Recall  

  • Analysis-Synthesis  

  • General Information  

  • Concept Formation 

  • Numbers Reversed  

  • Letter-Pattern Matching  

  • Phonemic Word Retrieval  

  • Block Rotation  

  • Number Series  

  • Visual Auditory Learning 

WJ V COG - What's New?

The WJ V COG contains 20 tests that are divided into two batteries: the Standard Battery, which contains 14 tests, and the Extended Battery, which contains six tests; along with 12 clusters. Depending on the purpose and extent of the assessment, an examiner can use the Standard Battery alone or in conjunction with the Extended Battery and the Virtual Test Library tests. This feature allows examiners to be more focused and selective in testing by only administering the specific tests relevant to the referral question(s). 

Changes from the WJ IV COG to the WJ V COG include:  

  • Two new tests in the Standard battery. 

      • Matrices 

      • Verbal Analogies (from the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Early Cognitive and Academic Development- ECAD).  

  • Two new tests in the Extended battery. 

      • Symbol Inhibition  

      • Visual Working Memory. 

  • Animal-Number Sequencing (known as Object-Number Sequencing in the WJ IV COG) and Memory for Words have been moved to the WJ V VTL. 

  • Picture Recognition was removed. 

  • Changes to Phonological Processing, from the WJ IV COG.  

      • Word Access was removed. 

      • Word Fluency has become a full WJ V COG test called Phonemic Word Retrieval (Gr). 

      • Substitution has become a full WJ VTL test called Sound Substitution. 

  • Both Number Series and Story Comprehension are found in the WJ V COG- Extended battery but can also be used as part of the WJ V ACH battery. 

  • Glr (long-term retrieval) cluster was cleaved into separate long-term retrieval (Gl) and retrieval fluency (Gr) broad ability clusters. 

  • More robust measurement of Gf by adding a classic figural matrix inductive reasoning test and reintroducing the Gc/Gf Verbal Analogies test.  

  • Increased complexity of the measurement of visual processing (Gv).  

      • The Visual Processing cluster is comprised of both 2-D (Spatial Relations) and 3-D (Block Rotation) tests.  

      • A new Visual Working Memory test was added that assesses the ability to retain a visual-spatial pattern of stimuli “in the context of processing” (i.e., with the requirement to perform a simple brief visual distractor cluster between the original presentation of the visual-spatial stimulus pattern and the subsequent recall of the pattern). 

  • The two WJ IV COG Ga tests were moved to the VTL. When combined with user feedback regarding the inclusion of Ga measures in the COG, the decision was made to move all Ga tests to the VTL. 

  • The WJ IV Short-term Working Memory (Gwm) cluster was renamed to Auditory Working Memory Capacity cluster to reduce confusion regarding its interpretation. 

  • In the Gs domain, the WJ IV Pair Cancellation test was replaced with the new Symbol Inhibition test, a speeded test designed to measure the executive function ability of inhibiting responses in the presence of cognitive interference.  

  • The COG Cognitive Processing Speed (Gs) cluster is now comprised of Number-Pattern Matching and Letter-Pattern Matching.

  • The WJ V GIA consists of:

      • Oral Vocabulary (Retained from WJ IV)- Gc 

      • Verbal Attention (Retained from WJ IV)- Gwm 

      • Spatial Relations (Full-length version)- Gv 

      • Matrices (Replaces Number Series)- Gf 

      • Number-Pattern Matching (Replaces Letter-Pattern Matching)- Gs 

      • Story Recall (Previous part of WJ IV Glr)- Gl 

      • Semantic Word Retrieval (New)- Gr 

      • Verbal Analogies (from ECAD) 

  • The GIA is no longer a differentially weighted combination of CHC tests, as will be described in the WJ V Technical Manual. 

WJ V Virtual Test Library (VTL) - The Familiar

For those who love and use the WJ IV Tests of Oral Language, WJ V will continue to include your most loved tests such as:  

  • Sound Substitution 

  • Animal-Number Sequencing  

  • Memory for Words  

  • Sentence Repetition  

  • Nonsense Word Repetition

  • Sound Blending  

  • Segmentation  

  • Sound Deletion  

  • Rapid Picture Naming  

  • Understanding Directions 

A lot of tests from the WJ IV Tests of Oral Language have moved into the WJ V Tests of Achievement, to make the assessment of the IDEA areas of eligibility more concise and robust. Other tests from this WJ IV battery moved into the Virtual Test Library, where they can be combined with tests from both the WJ V Tests of Cognitive Abilities and WJ V Tests of Achievement to form new clusters and customized test sets aligned to a reason for referral. The three WJ IV Oral Language tests in Spanish have been dropped due to low interest and usage by our customers. We will provide Spanish language tests in the update of the Batería.  

WJ V VTL - What's New?

The WJ V Virtual Test Library is a comprehensive collection of 15 tests of oral language, linguistic, and related cognitive and achievement abilities that can be used, in a menu-driven selective testing approach, to supplement and extend the comprehensiveness of the COG and ACH batteries. In addition, certain VTL tests and clusters could be used independently in the form of special purpose batteries (e.g., possible rapid automatized naming or RAN, working memory, auditory processing, or dyslexia batteries):  

  • Four new WJ V tests and five new clusters. 

  • Additional tests and clusters to supplement the measurement of select CHC abilities (Gwm, Gr, Gs, Ga) in the COG or ACH batteries or other non-WJ V test batteries (e.g., Wechsler intelligence scales). 

  • New measures to better assess the area of phonological and auditory (Ga) processing in one battery. No Ga tests are included in the WJ V COG. The VTL includes six tests of phonological (Ga) abilities that can be combined as two different (Ga) clusters (Phonological Processing, Phonological Manipulation). 

  • New measures to better assess the area of rapid automatized naming (RAN) processing in one battery. The VTL includes five tests of RAN (Gr, Gs) abilities that can be combined to form the new RAN-Reading and RAN-Math clusters. 

  • Four tests of short-term working memory (Gwm), which when combined with Gwm tests from the COG, provide a total of six Gwm tests in the WJ V. The Auditory Memory Span cluster is available in the VTL. 

Explores the WJ V Digital Features

The structure and design of the most loved tests are familiar and unchanged, except for updated item content, art, and language. For some tests, the response mode is changed from pointing to tapping, or from circling or marking in a response book to tapping as well. All tests in the WJ V have been specifically designed, developed, piloted, and tested to ensure they are accurately measuring the construct they are intended to measure in a digital format. WJ V is the first and ONLY assessment of its kind to be developed fully digital, with norms for digital administration!  

All rostering, administration and scoring will still take place on Riverside Score, where you log in now to score and report your WJ IV results.  

Voice Capture

WJ V has a lot of new features such as audio capture. Audio capture, when turned on, lets the examiner flag items they feel they need to go back to later to better understand if they scored correctly in the moment. When you flag and item while audio capture is turned on, you can go back to that item in the review process and make sure the score selected on that item is correct by listening to the examinee’s response again. After the test session is submitted for scoring, the audio capture will be permanently deleted. Audio capture is solely a tool for the examiner to ensure accurate scoring during a review process before the session goes to reporting.  

WJ V Response Booklets 

The following WJ V ACH tests require use of a Response Booklet: Calculation, Math Facts Fluency, Written Language Samples, Sentence Writing Accuracy, Spelling, Sentence Writing Fluency, Spelling of Sounds, and Letter Writing Fluency. Response Booklets can be ordered through Riverside Insights in packages of 25, as they are today, or you can download the specific Response Booklet pages from the Riverside Score platform for free and use as needed per assessment.   

Test Set Creation 

When logged into WJ V on Riverside Score, you can customize your test sets for each individual examinee based on the access to the tests you are entitled to (based on purchase and qualifications). For each examinee, you can design a customized test set to include only those tests you wish to administer to answer your referral questions accurately and quickly. The Riverside Score platform will also include pre-loaded test sets so you can quickly select your most desirable tests. At launch, we will have a pre-loaded test set for the Standard Achievement tests, Standard Cognitive tests and tests used to assess dyslexia. 

Automatic Basal and Ceiling Rules 

Basal and ceiling rules are automatically implemented during the administration, which frees up time and attention for the examiner. Re-routing will automatically occur to ensure you establish the proper basal and ceilings. As an examiner, you can see your progress towards both the basal and ceilings throughout the administration, so you are always in the know!

Automatic Scoring

Moving through the WJ V administration has never been easier. Correct and incorrect answers are clearly identified for the examiner for quick and accurate scoring selections. For some tests, scoring is automatically implemented based on the examinee’s response. As the examiner, you are always in control and can change the scores as needed, if you need to adjust based on examinee responses. At the end of every test administered, you will see the age and grade equivalent scores so you can make informed decisions about which tests to pull in or pass on an individual testing basis.

Video Instructions

Some tests that used to require a tremendous amount of attention, working memory, and movement from both sides of the easel are now introduced to the examinee in video instructions, so the examiner no longer needs to test their own cognitive and reading abilities while administering. Now, on tests like Concept Formation and Analysis Synthesis, the examiner can press play and the instructions are played for the examinee in a standardized format, ensuring all examinees receive the same level of instructions, and the examiner no longer needs to juggle so many activities while teaching the task.

View Webinar Recordings

WJ V Features and Demo Sneak Peek

An Exclusive Look at the New WJ V Standard Achievement and Cognitive Batteries

A Look at WJ V Training Offerings

NEW: The Winding Road to the Woodcock-Johnson Fifth Edition

Informational Downloads

WJ V Saves You Time: Explore NEW Automated Features

Compare WJ V and WJ IV

Technical Specifications

Pricing Brochure

Register for Upcoming Webinars


WJ V offers two simplified pricing models without the upfront expense of a kit: Unlimited Subscription & Subtest Subscription

With each model...

  • Only pay one annual price
  • No limit on the number of licenses or users
  • No additional scoring or reporting fees
  • Add examiners at any point

Unlimited Subscription

The unlimited plan is specifically offered to schools/districts and unfortunately not available to independent practitioners. To be eligible for the unlimited plan, schools/districts will be prompted while checking out to provide an enrollment number for the previous school year. This enrollment number should match the enrollment reported to state or federal agencies.


Price per Student: $0.75

How it works:

Pay for the total number of students within their school system based off enrollment from the prior year. This grants annual unlimited access to all WJ V products and comprehensive training materials for only $0.75 per student.

Term: Annual Subscription

Model type: Unlimited Subscription

What do you get: Unlimited use of the WJ V Suite of Assessments (pending qualifications)

Subtest Subscription

Price per subtest: $2.50

How it works:
Pay for individual subtests on an annual basis. This flexible option gives you the choice to select any subtest from any battery, for the same price (pending qualifications). Purchase as many subtests as you like, based on your particular usage needs.

Access only the subtests you need with the simple pricing per subtest. Users purchase subtest tokens for $2.50. These tokens can be used to administer subtests within a battery (as they have already purchased them). Examiners can choose exactly the subtests they would like to administer.

Term: Annual Subscription

The subscription starts on the date of purchase. Users have the option to purchase additional subtests throughout the year but will have a single subscription date, based on the first purchase date. For example, if you buy 100 subtests on March 1, and 100 more on September 1, all 200 subtests expire on February 31.

Model type: Usage Based Subscription

What do you get: A number of subtests to administer throughout the year 

Tech Requirements for Administration


Training Options for the WJ V

Training for the Woodcock-Johnson V is customizable to fit each unique schedule and need. From easy-to-follow online learning bundles, personalized sessions with a WJ V expert, to in-person sessions, the WJ V Training Program has you covered.



When are we releasing WJ V?  

Q1 of 2025, likely in February or March.   

Will we have a paper version of WJ V?  

We have no plans to release a paper version and expect the digital version will be even better for customers.  

What are the norming dates for WJ V?  

Data collection is based on the 2020 census. The first cases were collected in early 2022 and the final cases were collected in 2024. This time period encompasses norming cases, validity cases, and clinical study cases. Piloting of tests occurred in 2021.    

What reports will be available at launch?  

The only report available at launch will be the score report and the data export. Other reports will follow such as our dyslexia report.

With the release of WJ V, how long will WJ IV be supported? 

WJ IV will still be supported for a few years after the release of the WJ V, although the exact timeline is unknown. Riverside will most likely move WJ IV out of print within 2-3 years, which is standard practice after the release of a new version. 

Test Content

What happened to the Oral Language battery? Can I still access those subtests?  

Yes, these are now included along with other tests as the NEW! Virtual Test Library.  

We have moved a lot of tests that were in the WJ IV Oral Language battery into the Achievement battery to better meet your testing needs for identification for special education. In addition, we have created new tests for the Virtual Test Library that include tests that assess cognition, achievement, and language, so we dropped the name “Oral Language” to ensure you explore the Virtual Test Library and see all the new and exciting content added throughout the suite of the Woodcock Johnson. We organized the Virtual Test Library (VTL) component to work together with, or independently from, the Cognitive and Achievement components to provide more in-depth diagnostic and strength and weakness information from the administered tests and clusters. 

Will the WJ V include tests from the ECAD? 

Tests from ECAD that will be in WJ V are: 

  • Verbal Analogies (early form in ECAD) 

  • Number Sense (early form on ECAD) 

That said, these are not the same items necessarily as the WJ V is for ages 4 years, 0 months through adulthood. The ECAD tests in WJ V were designed for 4 years of age and older, so it’s still best to use the ECAD when assessing young children less than 4 years of age. 

When will the Batería be released? 

The Batería release date has not yet been decided but customers can expect it to be released sometime in the next few years.  


What database is used to verify enrollment for school districts?  

We use the MDR Education database for student enrollment: https://mdreducation.com/news/mdr-freshest-education-data-in-industry/  This was the data we used to populate enrollment for each account in the spreadsheet.    

Will districts be allowed to purchase each model? For instance, departments within large school districts may want to buy unlimited (for Special Ed) and by Subtest (for Gifted and Talented)?   

Customers can purchase both models, for different organizations as needed. However, if they want to share data access between organizations, they must all be under one account. In the example above, that would mean if Special Ed / G&T would like access to each other’s student data in RI Score, they would need to decide jointly on a single model. This may change post-launch if there is enough customer demand, but no current plans. 

How much will WJ V cost?  

We have two pricing models; unlimited and subtest subscriptions. For unlimited, schools and districts pay for the total number of students reported within the prior year for their district. This grants annual unlimited access to all WJ V products and training materials for only $0.75 per student.  

For subtest, schools and districts pay for individual subtests annually, giving administrators the choice to choose any subtest from any battery for the same price. They can use as many or as few subtests as needed, without paying for the ones not used during administration. Subtests are valid for one year and expire at the end of the subscription cycle. Users have the option to purchase additional subtests throughout the year but will have a single subscription date, based off the first purchase date (if you buy 100 subtests on January 1, and 25 more on March 1, all 125 subtests expire on December 31st of that year). Subtests cost $2.50 per subtest, with an order minimum of $20.

Product Details

Could examinees use Chromebooks with touch screen capabilities instead of a tablet or iPad to complete the assessment?  

When administering the WJ V, Riverside Insights recommends the examinee device to be an iPad with a screen size of 10” or larger, as that is how the test was standardized. Because the assessment is browser-based, we recognize the examinee can be on any tablet touchscreen device with a screen of 10” or larger and Riverside Insights cannot control the device used. Please note, using a tablet device other than an iPad on timed tests may result in differences in scores, based on the latency times of different devices. Riverside Insights strongly encourages the use of an iPad, especially on timed tests.  

Are customers going to be allowed to choose where to start basal? For instance a 3rd grader starting at 4th grade level – will this be allowed? 

Yes, they will be able to customize starting points on a per tests basis.

Is WJ V web or app based?  

It is web-based meaning they log in online through the internet. The examiner laptop and examinee tablet also connect through the internet.  

Does WJ V allow for remote administration or is that something coming in the future?  

WJ V is designed to be administered in-person with an examiner on the laptop with a mouse and the examinee on a tablet. All data gathered in the norming study was gathered through an in-person administration.     

Riverside will conduct a small comparability study in the future to demonstrate that remote administration of the WJ V results in the same performance as an in-person administration. Although we have confidence that no changes will result in scores based on in-person vs remote administration, we do not yet have the data to demonstrate this. For the time being, we ask examiners to use their best judgment and chose the administration mode that best fits their session, knowing that remote administration may introduce a few changes, especially when a response book is used.   

Will users be able to access the test offline/if their school site has inconsistent Wi-Fi?  

Unfortunately, at this time the WJ V will only be available in a browser-based setting, which means there is no offline app. We will explore an offline app in the future, but it will not be available at launch.   

WJ V vs. WJ IV

The WJ V is just like the WJ IV you love and trust, but with amazing new state of the art features, tests, clusters, and reporting! 

WJ V ACH - The Familiar  

The WJ V will still maintain the most loved tests from the WJ IV Tests of Achievement, such as: 

  • Picture Vocabulary 

  • Letter-Word Identification 

  • Calculation 

  • Spelling 

  • Oral Comprehension 

  • Word Attack 

  • Math Facts Fluency 

  • Passage Comprehension 

  • Applied Problems 

  • Sentence Reading Fluency 

  • Written Language Samples 

  • Sentence Writing Fluency 

  • Word Reading Fluency 

WJ V ACH - What's New?

The WJ V ACH contains 26 tests that are divided into two batteries: the Standard Battery, which contains 18 tests and the Extended Battery, which contains eight tests. There are 21 clusters available in the WJ V ACH, making it the most robust achievement test on the market. 

Changes to the WJ V ACH include: 

  • Five new ACH tests, which provide more in-depth coverage of reading comprehension, writing fluency, mathematics problem solving, and academic vocabulary and knowledge.

      • Paragraph Reading Comprehension (Standard)

      • Sentence Writing Accuracy (Standard)

      • Letter Writing Fluency (Extended)

      • Math Problem Identification (Standard)  

      • Magnitude Comparison (Extended) 

  • Two new oral language tests, which provide more ecologically valid Listening Comprehension and Oral Expression clusters.  

      • Oral Language Samples (ACH Standard)

      • Story Comprehension (COG Extended)

  • Increased content validity through the elimination of outdated items and the development of new contemporary items for many of the tests.  

  • The Science, Social Studies, and Humanities tests were redesigned to become Academic Facts and Academic Vocabulary. 

  • Number Matrices and Reading Vocabulary were both removed.  

  • Two parallel forms for many of the WJ V ACH Standard and Extended battery tests to avoid overexposure to items on any given form (to be released at a later date).  

WJ V COG - The Familiar

Your most loved tests from the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities are also still in the WJ V, such as: 

  • Oral Vocabulary (Synonyms/Antonyms)  

  • Verbal Attention  

  • Spatial Relations  

  • Semantic Word Retrieval  

  • Number-Pattern Matching  

  • Story Recall  

  • Analysis-Synthesis  

  • General Information  

  • Concept Formation 

  • Numbers Reversed  

  • Letter-Pattern Matching  

  • Phonemic Word Retrieval  

  • Block Rotation  

  • Number Series  

  • Visual Auditory Learning 

WJ V COG - What's New?

The WJ V COG contains 20 tests that are divided into two batteries: the Standard Battery, which contains 14 tests, and the Extended Battery, which contains six tests; along with 12 clusters. Depending on the purpose and extent of the assessment, an examiner can use the Standard Battery alone or in conjunction with the Extended Battery and the Virtual Test Library tests. This feature allows examiners to be more focused and selective in testing by only administering the specific tests relevant to the referral question(s). 

Changes from the WJ IV COG to the WJ V COG include:  

  • Two new tests in the Standard battery. 

      • Matrices 

      • Verbal Analogies (from the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Early Cognitive and Academic Development- ECAD).  

  • Two new tests in the Extended battery. 

      • Symbol Inhibition  

      • Visual Working Memory. 

  • Animal-Number Sequencing (known as Object-Number Sequencing in the WJ IV COG) and Memory for Words have been moved to the WJ V VTL. 

  • Picture Recognition was removed. 

  • Changes to Phonological Processing, from the WJ IV COG.  

      • Word Access was removed. 

      • Word Fluency has become a full WJ V COG test called Phonemic Word Retrieval (Gr). 

      • Substitution has become a full WJ VTL test called Sound Substitution. 

  • Both Number Series and Story Comprehension are found in the WJ V COG- Extended battery but can also be used as part of the WJ V ACH battery. 

  • Glr (long-term retrieval) cluster was cleaved into separate long-term retrieval (Gl) and retrieval fluency (Gr) broad ability clusters. 

  • More robust measurement of Gf by adding a classic figural matrix inductive reasoning test and reintroducing the Gc/Gf Verbal Analogies test.  

  • Increased complexity of the measurement of visual processing (Gv).  

      • The Visual Processing cluster is comprised of both 2-D (Spatial Relations) and 3-D (Block Rotation) tests.  

      • A new Visual Working Memory test was added that assesses the ability to retain a visual-spatial pattern of stimuli “in the context of processing” (i.e., with the requirement to perform a simple brief visual distractor cluster between the original presentation of the visual-spatial stimulus pattern and the subsequent recall of the pattern). 

  • The two WJ IV COG Ga tests were moved to the VTL. When combined with user feedback regarding the inclusion of Ga measures in the COG, the decision was made to move all Ga tests to the VTL. 

  • The WJ IV Short-term Working Memory (Gwm) cluster was renamed to Auditory Working Memory Capacity cluster to reduce confusion regarding its interpretation. 

  • In the Gs domain, the WJ IV Pair Cancellation test was replaced with the new Symbol Inhibition test, a speeded test designed to measure the executive function ability of inhibiting responses in the presence of cognitive interference.  

  • The COG Cognitive Processing Speed (Gs) cluster is now comprised of Number-Pattern Matching and Letter-Pattern Matching.

  • The WJ V GIA consists of:

      • Oral Vocabulary (Retained from WJ IV)- Gc 

      • Verbal Attention (Retained from WJ IV)- Gwm 

      • Spatial Relations (Full-length version)- Gv 

      • Matrices (Replaces Number Series)- Gf 

      • Number-Pattern Matching (Replaces Letter-Pattern Matching)- Gs 

      • Story Recall (Previous part of WJ IV Glr)- Gl 

      • Semantic Word Retrieval (New)- Gr 

      • Verbal Analogies (from ECAD) 

  • The GIA is no longer a differentially weighted combination of CHC tests, as will be described in the WJ V Technical Manual. 

WJ V Virtual Test Library (VTL) - The Familiar

For those who love and use the WJ IV Tests of Oral Language, WJ V will continue to include your most loved tests such as:  

  • Sound Substitution 

  • Animal-Number Sequencing  

  • Memory for Words  

  • Sentence Repetition  

  • Nonsense Word Repetition

  • Sound Blending  

  • Segmentation  

  • Sound Deletion  

  • Rapid Picture Naming  

  • Understanding Directions 

A lot of tests from the WJ IV Tests of Oral Language have moved into the WJ V Tests of Achievement, to make the assessment of the IDEA areas of eligibility more concise and robust. Other tests from this WJ IV battery moved into the Virtual Test Library, where they can be combined with tests from both the WJ V Tests of Cognitive Abilities and WJ V Tests of Achievement to form new clusters and customized test sets aligned to a reason for referral. The three WJ IV Oral Language tests in Spanish have been dropped due to low interest and usage by our customers. We will provide Spanish language tests in the update of the Batería.  

WJ V VTL - What's New?

The WJ V Virtual Test Library is a comprehensive collection of 15 tests of oral language, linguistic, and related cognitive and achievement abilities that can be used, in a menu-driven selective testing approach, to supplement and extend the comprehensiveness of the COG and ACH batteries. In addition, certain VTL tests and clusters could be used independently in the form of special purpose batteries (e.g., possible rapid automatized naming or RAN, working memory, auditory processing, or dyslexia batteries):  

  • Four new WJ V tests and five new clusters. 

  • Additional tests and clusters to supplement the measurement of select CHC abilities (Gwm, Gr, Gs, Ga) in the COG or ACH batteries or other non-WJ V test batteries (e.g., Wechsler intelligence scales). 

  • New measures to better assess the area of phonological and auditory (Ga) processing in one battery. No Ga tests are included in the WJ V COG. The VTL includes six tests of phonological (Ga) abilities that can be combined as two different (Ga) clusters (Phonological Processing, Phonological Manipulation). 

  • New measures to better assess the area of rapid automatized naming (RAN) processing in one battery. The VTL includes five tests of RAN (Gr, Gs) abilities that can be combined to form the new RAN-Reading and RAN-Math clusters. 

  • Four tests of short-term working memory (Gwm), which when combined with Gwm tests from the COG, provide a total of six Gwm tests in the WJ V. The Auditory Memory Span cluster is available in the VTL. 

Digital Differences

The structure and design of the most loved tests are familiar and unchanged, except for updated item content, art, and language. For some tests, the response mode is changed from pointing to tapping, or from circling or marking in a response book to tapping as well. All tests in the WJ V have been specifically designed, developed, piloted, and tested to ensure they are accurately measuring the construct they are intended to measure in a digital format. WJ V is the first and ONLY assessment of its kind to be developed fully digital, with norms for digital administration!  

All rostering, administration and scoring will still take place on Riverside Score, where you log in now to score and report your WJ IV results.  

Voice Capture

WJ V has a lot of new features such as audio capture. Audio capture, when turned on, lets the examiner flag items they feel they need to go back to later to better understand if they scored correctly in the moment. When you flag and item while audio capture is turned on, you can go back to that item in the review process and make sure the score selected on that item is correct by listening to the examinee’s response again. After the test session is submitted for scoring, the audio capture will be permanently deleted. Audio capture is solely a tool for the examiner to ensure accurate scoring during a review process before the session goes to reporting.  

WJ V Response Booklets 

The following WJ V ACH tests require use of a Response Booklet: Calculation, Math Facts Fluency, Written Language Samples, Sentence Writing Accuracy, Spelling, Sentence Writing Fluency, Spelling of Sounds, and Letter Writing Fluency. Response Booklets can be ordered through Riverside Insights in packages of 25, as they are today, or you can download the specific Response Booklet pages from the Riverside Score platform for free and use as needed per assessment.   

Test Set Creation 

When logged into WJ V on Riverside Score, you can customize your test sets for each individual examinee based on the access to the tests you are entitled to (based on purchase and qualifications). For each examinee, you can design a customized test set to include only those tests you wish to administer to answer your referral questions accurately and quickly. The Riverside Score platform will also include pre-loaded test sets so you can quickly select your most desirable tests. At launch, we will have a pre-loaded test set for the Standard Achievement tests, Standard Cognitive tests and tests used to assess dyslexia. 

Automatic Basal and Ceiling Rules 

Basal and ceiling rules are automatically implemented during the administration, which frees up time and attention for the examiner. Re-routing will automatically occur to ensure you establish the proper basal and ceilings. As an examiner, you can see your progress towards both the basal and ceilings throughout the administration, so you are always in the know!

Automatic Scoring

Moving through the WJ V administration has never been easier. Correct and incorrect answers are clearly identified for the examiner for quick and accurate scoring selections. For some tests, scoring is automatically implemented based on the examinee’s response. As the examiner, you are always in control and can change the scores as needed, if you need to adjust based on examinee responses. At the end of every test administered, you will see the age and grade equivalent scores so you can make informed decisions about which tests to pull in or pass on an individual testing basis.

Video Instructions

Some tests that used to require a tremendous amount of attention, working memory, and movement from both sides of the easel are now introduced to the examinee in video instructions, so the examiner no longer needs to test their own cognitive and reading abilities while administering. Now, on tests like Concept Formation and Analysis Synthesis, the examiner can press play and the instructions are played for the examinee in a standardized format, ensuring all examinees receive the same level of instructions, and the examiner no longer needs to juggle so many activities while teaching the task.

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